After the centenary of Calvino’s birth, we continue to celebrate his precious journey through Italian popular culture with a musical reinterpretation of his work.

Italian Fairy Tales
Calvino’s words, with their bewitching phrasing, intertwine with the music to accompany the audience into the imaginary world of fairy tales. Characters noble and extraordinary, humble and scoundrels populate these stories, demonstrating that emotions, frailties and heroisms are transversal to all humanity.
A journey through Italian culture, between sea and land, where we meet princes and peasants, animals, soldiers, brides, travellers, saints, old women and children. A show for young and old, because fantasy and curiosity for stories are ageless.

The Representation
The reading and interpretation of the tales, by Irene Paoletti, will be accompanied by the music, sounds and silences of singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Emanuele Bocci. The stories will be enriched by songs written and performed live, creating a magical and immersive experience.